Well logging at the Baytuganskoye field by means of nuclear physics spectrometry

UDK: 550.832
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-5-72-78
Key words: Baytuganskoye field, field development monitoring, nuclear-physics methods, spectrometric geophysical methods, hardware and software complex, interpretation model
Authors: A.M. Tupitsyn (BaiTex LLC, RF, Moscow), N.V. Lavrenkova (BaiTex LLC, RF, Moscow), T.V. Khismetov (Research & Engineering Center GeotechnoKIN LLC, RF, Moscow), O.S. Chernov (Research & Engineering Center GeotechnoKIN LLC, RF, Moscow), K.V. Chernoletsky (Research & Engineering Center GeotechnoKIN LLC, RF, Moscow), D.I. Yurkov (Dukhov Automatics Research Institute, RF, Moscow), V.I. Zverev (Dukhov Automatics Research Institute, RF, Moscow)

The article discusses the results of the application of a modern hardware and software complex for formation evaluation using nuclear-physical spectrometric methods at the Baytuganskoye field. Commercial oil-bearing capacity of multilayer Baytuganskoye field is allocated in deposits of Bashkirian stage of the Middle Carboniferous, the Serpukhovian stage, the Bobrikovian horizon and the Tournaisian stage of the Lower Carboniferous. BaiTex LLC is carrying out a significant amount of research work to further investigate the structure and the current reservoirs saturation of Baytuganskoye field. In particular, much attention is paid to geophysical well logging, and along with the standard ones, new modern methods are also used. In case of mature productive formations, high resolution neutron-gamma spectroscopy is the most informative when choosing advanced well-logging operations. Since 2015 at the Baytuganskoye field modern nuclear-physical spectrometry research work has been carried out by Research & Engineering Center GeotekhnoKIN LLC. Studies of newly drilled and cased wells (through the casing and even in the intervals of perforation) make it possible to quantitatively determine the elemental, mineral and fluid compositions and capacitive characteristics of the deposits. By 01.04.21, studies were carried out in 68 wells.

The article considers technologies for determining fluid saturation, material composition and capacity characteristics of rocks according to the nuclear-physical spectrometry data. The description of the hardware and software complex and methodological support for the processing and interpretation of well logging data is given. In the process of investigating the wells of the Baytuganskoye field, a library of interpretation modules for the fields of Russia and Serbia was used. The library is based on geological and geophysical data accumulated over several years, generalizations of development results, measurements on core, physical and chemical properties of fluids, including produced hydrocarbons and associated water, etc. The library covers many objects: from sedimentary deposits of the Miocene to the Cambrian and foundation rocks. This allowed the creation of an interpretation model and detailed study of the sediments. The interpretation model was created for Carboniferous deposits and includes the following rock components: limestone, dolomite, marl, anhydrite, gypsum, sandstone, siltstone and hydromica clay. Comparison of nuclear-physical spectrometry results with core analysis data showed the reliability of regarded method.


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