Analytical methodology of rapid assessment for fractured well productivity

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-4-76-79
Key words: fracturing, well productivity index, hydraulic fracture performance, damaged fracture, pseudo-steady state
Authors: E.V. Yudin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), G.A. Piotrovskiy (Gazpromneft-Digital Solutions, RF, Saint-Petersburg), M.V. Petrova (Gazpromneft-Digital Solutions, RF, Saint-Petersburg), A.P. Roshchektaev (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), N.V. Shtrobel (Research and Educational Centre Gazpromneft-Polytech, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Requirements of targeted optimization are imposed on the hydraulic fracturing operations carried out in the conditions of borderline economic efficiency of fields taking into account geological and technological features. Consequently, the development of new analytical tools for analyzing and planning the productivity of fractured wells, taking into account the structural features of the productive reservoir and inhomogeneous distribution of the fracture conductivity, is becoming highly relevant. The paper proposes a new approach of assessing the vertical hydraulic fracture productivity in a rectangular reservoir in a pseudo-steady state, based on reservoir resistivity concept. The advantage of the methodology is the resulting formulas for well productivity are relatively simple, even for exotic cases of variable conductivity fractures. However, there is a free parameter in the case of modeling the productivity of a hydraulic fracture by the concept. this article describes a systematic approach to determining the free parameter that characterizes the distribution of fluid inflow along the fracture plane, in contrast to the solutions available in the literature for analyzing the productivity of hydraulic fractures. The resulting model allows to conduct an assessment of the influence of various complications in the fracture on the productivity index. The work includes the cases of the presence of fracture damages at the beginning and at the end of the fracture. The results of the obtained solution were confirmed by comparison with the numerical solutions of commercial simulators and analytical models available in the literature.


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