Three-dimensional basin and petroleum system modeling of the Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic in the Vilyui hemisyneclise

UDK: 553.98.061.32
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-4-28-32
Key words: Vilyui hemisyneclise, basin modeling, petroleum system modeling, source rock
Authors: A.Yu. Kosmacheva (A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Novosibirsk), M.O. Fedorovich (A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Novosibirsk)

The paper presents the results of the three-dimensional basin and petroleum systems modeling in the Vilyui hemisyneclise located in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The modeling identifies maturity history of organic matter, kitchen areas, and quantitive evaluation of generation power of the source rocks. According to the research, the Permian source rock enriched in terrestrial organic matter contributes to the Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits in the Vilyui hemisyneclise. Hydrocarbon trapping is expected to be in the Lower Cretaceous. The structures, elements of the Upper Permian-Mesozoic petroleum system, and generation and migration processes had already been in place in the study area. The critical moment of the Permian petroleum system is supposed to be at the late Lopingian (253 Ma). The Permian source rock top is found to be in the oil and gas windows at the present time. The Linden depression corresponds to the major kitchen area. The generation balance and remaining potential of the Permian source rock are 4 trillion tons and 1 trillion tons of hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon equivalent), respectively. Generation power of the Kuonam formation enriched in marine organic matter is not exhausted in the elevated northern and southern parts, clay seals becoming sandy and pinching out around the edge of the Vilyui hemisyneclise. The hydrocarbon deposits originated from the Jurassic claystone and coal rocks is assumed to be in the Linden depression in the presence of appropriate environment for the hydrocarbon accumulation.

Acknowledgement. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-35-90039.


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