On sharing the financial risks between the customer and the contractor when performing well interventions

UDK: 658.012.12:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-2-22-25
Key words: pricing, risk assessment, service work, payment, technology, technological efficiency, contractor, customer, cost of work, risk insurance
Authors: V.M. Stroganov (Nitpo Co. Ltd., RF, Krasnodar), Yu.V. Zemtsov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.A. Stroganov (Nitpo Co. Ltd., RF, Krasnodar), D.A. Stroganov (Tander JSC, RF, Krasnodar)

The issue of pricing for contractor service works is examined from the perspective of risk assessment and distribution. The basic relationships between the Customer and the Contractor in the provision of services are described. Factors affecting the success of repair work in wells are considered. A formula is proposed to illustrate the probabilistic potential success of the applied technology, taking into account the reliability of the success factors. It is shown that the probabilistic potential success of the technology depends on factors that depend on both the Customer and the Contractor, while the responsibility for the result lies primarily with the Contractor. The analysis of works on isolation of individual intervals of a productive formation and elimination of behind-the-casing water flows in Western Siberia on a large statistical sample is carried out. The dependence of the success of work on the number of well operations performed is revealed. The values of the average success of works on isolation of individual intervals of the productive formation and elimination of behind-the-casing water flows were revealed. The main options for the distribution of risks between the Customer and the Contractor during the repair work are considered. A new pricing scheme for contractor service works is proposed, taking into account the average technological success of the technology proposed by the Contractor. It was revealed what constitutes the main risks of the Contractor and the Customer when carrying out geological and technical measures. Recommendations are offered: on the minimum number of treatments for an objective assessment of new technologies or technologies not adapted to new objects; the minimum annual number of treatments for one contractor, which increases the statistical probability of reaching the average success rate for the applied technology; the substantiation of the upper threshold for the average value of the success of the technologies of repair and insulation works is proposed. The concept of "planned success" of a technology or average success of a technology on a large statistical sample is proposed. A new approach to assessing the success and effectiveness of contracting work in the provision of services for the implementation of geological and technical measures, in particular, for well workover, as well as a new pricing scheme for these works, account the insurance of contractors' risks, taking into account the average technological success of the technology offered by the Contractor, is proposed.


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