History and prospects of hydrodynamic methods for oil fields development in Russia

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-12-96-100
Key words: contour waterflooding, hydrodynamic development methods, modern hydrodynamic methods, hydrodynamic oil recovery facilities, technogenic altered fields, reservoir destruction, discharge pressure, forced fluid withdrawal, stationary and unsteady waterflood, change in seepage fluids, uneven reservoir formation, advanced flooding, hardly recoverable oil reserves
Authors: R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)

The possibility of using hydrodynamic methods for the development of oil fields and, especially, of peripheral contour water flooding at the beginning of their introduction (50s of the last century) was questioned by many experts and raised concerns. Criticism of this method, and especially the principles of oil field development using water flooding, continued until the 80s and at the end of the last century it almost stopped. But at the beginning of the 21st century, I.A. Mustafin began to sharply criticize the application of this method on the example of supergiants - Romashkinskoye and Samotlorskoye oil and gas fields. His brochure “Geological and technological results of the hydrodynamic method of developing oil fields in the Russian Federation on the example of supergiants Romashkino and Samotlor” was sent to most oil companies and industry experts, scientists and even sent to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this brochure was used such a terrible term - "destruction" of an oil field. Because of this mythical destruction, the author suggests switching to more benign methods (essentially those that were used at the beginning of the method’s implementation), and it is better to use other methods (thermal, gas, etc.). Also, the author of the brochure offered to retrain students in universities and specialists and radically change the development system.

Since the author of this article was a direct participant and leader at almost all stages of the introduction of hydrodynamic methods, most of the decisions at Romashkinskoye and other fields of the Republic of Tatarstan were made with his direct and active participation. Therefore, the author decided in this article to briefly assess the formation and development of this technology and share judgments about the future prospects of this method. This is very important for the oil community, scientists of present and future specialists, and most importantly for the safe operation of oil and oil and gas fields.


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