Mineral resource centers: criteria for highlighting and principles of localization

UDK: 622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-10-8-13
Key words: mineral resource center, technological center of production, highlighting, localization, spatial transformation, transport provision, resource base
Authors: M.N. Grigoryev (Institute of World Economy and International Relations, RF, Moscow)

Mineral resource centers (MRCs) are defined by the strategic planning documents of the last decade as objects of management in program-targeted planning for the development and exploitation of the mineral base, since they allow taking into account the totality of factors that determine the stability of production development - the structure of reserves and resources, the quality of minerals, production indicators and transport security of export of commodity products. A unified approach to their highlighting and localization for various types of minerals, developed in solving the practical problems of mining companies and state management bodies of the subsoil fund, is outlined. While highlighting MRC at the first stage, a technological center of production is established - a set of developed fields that have a common point of delivery of marketable products; its allocation, for example, for oil, is based on the establishment of a sequence of elements of the transport chain "deposit - field - booster pumping stations - delivery point." The external boundary of MPCs is determined on the basis of the economically feasible distance of licensed areas from the existing or planned transport infrastructure. The MRCs are typified by mode of export of products (pipeline, railway, sea); the allocation of MRCs providing local processing or consumption is justified. Examples of spatial transformation of MRCs related to change of transport schemes of export of products are considered.


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