Hydrate blockage elimination in oil wells

UDK: 622.276.57
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-9-124-126
Key words: hydrating, hydrate in oil well, gas hydration control, hydrate elimination, hydrate blockage, production problems
Authors: I.F. Sadikov (Oil and Gas Production Department Bystrinskneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Surgut), D.V. Schelokov (Oil and Gas Production Department Bystrinskneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Surgut)

Along with salt deposition at pumping stations, hydrate plugs become one of the main complicating factors in oil and gas production. To date, the problem of hydrate formation in oil wells in Surgutneftegas PJSC is becoming more and more urgent due to the growth of low-capacity wells. The flow of liquid raised from the reservoir does not provide sufficient heating of the production column in the zone of permafrost. Predicting the formation of hydrate formation conditions at the moment does not allow to completely avoiding this complication. The most effective method for eliminating hydrate plugs is a continuous pipe complex. However, when working on low-yield wells, the payback period of this measure is quite long and does not guarantee the absence of complications even for the payback period. In addition to the continuous pipe, various other methods offered on the market were used, but a positive result was not achieved.

In this regard, the Company has tested and successfully used the method described in the article to get rid of the hydrate plug. The method is cost-effective, and sometimes faster in achieving the result, taking into account the expectations of the continuous pipe complex according to the traffic schedule. The effectiveness and time to achieve a positive result by applying the method described below directly depends on the intensity of its application, as well as the time of existence of the hydrate in the well. The hydrate plug breaks down faster in wells with a large gas factor, which is explained by the accumulation of a large amount of gas. The method has been successfully applied since 2018 and can be applied to any fields due to its versatility.


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