Using mathematical model to create a composition solvents for asphalt-resins-paraffin sediments

UDK: 622.276.72
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-8-77-81
Key words: asphalt-resins-paraffin sediments, oil production, solvents, mathematical model
Authors: D.S. Derkach (ANHK JSC, RF, Angarsk), E.E. Shvalev (ANHK JSC, RF, Angarsk), I.E. Kuzora (ANHK JSC, RF, Angarsk), I.A. Semenov (Angarsk State Technical University, RF, Angarsk), O.B. Dogadin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
There are serious problems associated with asphalt-resins-paraffin sediments (ARPS) precipitated in subsurface pumping equipment at oil production enterprises, these problems leads to an increase in the cost of underground well repair, loss oil production. Among frequently used methods of disposal ARPS in industry the most effective method is using chemicals solvents. At the same time efficiency of solvents some ARPS can varies widely because structure, composition and properties are different. Create the universal high-effective solvent for various ARPS almost impossible.
The purpose of that article is creating a universal approach to the selection of composition of high-effective solvent for various ARPS. During the researches we used the samples ARPS from the real oil production companies of Eastern Siberia (ARPS No. 1, ARPS No. 2, ARPS No. 3) and the sediments from ANHK’s oil tanks (ARPS No. 4). Composition and physical-chemical properties of the samples ARPS differ significantly. Different refined petroleum by-products of ANHK and AZP companies – the enterprises included in the perimeter Rosneft Oil Company – have been studied products as components for creating compositions of solvents. Dissolving, detergent and dispersive powers of investigated individual components and their compositions in various ratios have been rated by the common method. Based on the results of the research with used methods of statistical processing and mathematical modeling the composition of solvent for discussed ARPS were offered, their effectiveness has been proven under laboratory conditions. An algorithm have been created for minimize the number of experiments by which select the optimal composition of solvent for various ARPS is possible.
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