Digitalization concept of laboratory centers of Rosneft Oil Company. Case study of information system RN-LAB development

UDK: 681.518:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-2-79-83
Key words: digitalization, automation, core research, increased profitability, reduction of labor costs
Authors: D.V. Kashirskikh (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), I.A. Vakhrusheva (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), S.V. Paromov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.F. Saphin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Digitalization is an important aspect of the development of contemporary society and production. The key aspect for its effective implementation is the understanding the difference between digitalization and automatization, main characteristics concerning digitalization and development trends that lead automatization to digitalization. Taking into account the systems theory, as well as the analytical and prognostic requirements for digitalization, we can conclude that it must necessarily include: single information space of a digitalized object; mathematical model of a digitalized object that allows to simulate fully the behavior of the object in various conditions; opportunity to manage the entire set of data about the object throughout their life cycle; opportunity of feed-forward control; advanced cooperation of all users of a digitalized object within a single information space.

Using the example of the RN-LAB information system in Rosneft Oil Company to automatization of laboratory research of core and reservoir fluids, we examined ways to transit the automatization of laboratory centers of oil and gas companies to their digitalization. Considering the distinctive properties of digitalization, its achievement should: expand the information space of the Laboratory center for the integration achievement of all the used information systems within a single data base; detail the mathematical model describing the business processes of the Laboratory center, to create an "electronic twin", providing advanced production management; ensure the continuous control of all the pooled data of the Laboratory center; widen the interaction of all the staff within the information space, minimizing the informational tensions and leading to an increase in the effectiveness of interaction and management decisions.

The experience of application of information system RN-LAB in Rosneft Oil Company can conclude that the direct effect concerning work reduction and acceleration of executive decision-making can reach 0.5-1.5% of total sum in a specific institute. Moreover the transit to a whole new level of digitalization in comparison to automatization opens new strategic science–based growth prospects.


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