Developing and implementing the technology for cavitation-wave cleaning of radiation contaminated oilfield equipment

UDK: 502.55:622.276.5.05
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-10-117-121
Key words: radiobaryte, scale, oscillatory phenomena, the cavitation generator, hydrodynamic cleaning
Authors: M.V. Оmelyanyuk (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir), I.A. Рakhlyan (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir)

One of the problems of the oil and gas complex enterprises is the handling of equipment contaminated with sediments of natural radionuclides. Sources of radioactive contamination are those contained in the earth's crust and brought to the surface of planet as a result of oil production of natural radionuclides of the uranium and thorium series - thorium, radium and potassium-40, the main component of the deposits is radio barites. There is a need to clean radiation contaminated equipment for subsequent operation or environmentally friendly disposal.

The authors developed a technology for removing various deposits from the surfaces of oilfield equipment. Destruction of solid deposits is carried out by using the energy of the fluid flow supplied to the hydro-jet device — a pulsating cavitational flow of collapsing gas-vapor bubbles is generated, hydrodynamic force acting on salt deposits and high-amplitude vibrating microwave. The combined effect provides highly efficient cleaning at lower energy costs compared to conventional high-pressure cleaning. The amplitude-frequency and erosion characteristics of the jet flow are investigated. The substantiation of the profile of the internal channels of the nozzle-cavitators is made, the study of the optimal values of a number of technical and technological parameters of the cleaning process is carried out. A universal high-pressure apparatus was developed, manufactured and tested for the implementation of hydrodynamic cavitation cleaning of radiation-contaminated equipment. In carrying out the research methods of physical experiments, numerical simulation using software systems for hydrodynamics Star CCM+, ANSYS, FlowVision 2.3, analytical and numerical methods for solving problems were used.

There is positive experience in pilot studies and the introduction of equipment and technology for the decontamination and cleaning of tubing, working bodies of electric centrifugal pumps, in the fields of the Stavropol region and in Ukraine.


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