Features of the development of carbonate oil rims with the presence of extensive gas caps using barrier waterflooding of fields of Udmurtneft OJSC

UDK: 622.276.1/.4(470.5)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-6-46-49
Key words: gas-oil ratio, pressure maintenance, gas-oil contact, horizontal well, workover operation
Authors: A.Yu. Topal (Udmurtneft OJSC, RF, Izhevsk), V.V. Firsov (Udmurtneft OJSC, RF, Izhevsk), A.M. Zorin (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), V.P. Tsepelev (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), T.S. Usmanov (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk)

The article considers the problems of the development of oil rims, confined to the Vereiskian layers of the Middle Carbon. The urgency of this issue regarding the fields of Udmurtneft OJSC is shown. The relevance of the matter concerning fields of Udmurtneft OJSC is shown. The considerable reserves of oil concentrated in oil fringes badly give in to development in the traditional ways. Process of development is complicated by emergence of gas and water cones in production wells, penetration of gas from a gas cap in an oil part of a deposit and oil in a gas cap owing to what the mobility of oil considerably decreases and there is a preservation of a part of stocks. The decision on development of oil rims on fields of Udmurtneft OJSC, taking into account mainly low power of productive layers, is a construction of horizontal wells and creation of a water barrier on border of gas-oil contact by means of barrier flooding.

The article shows the evolution of approaches to the implementation of barrier flooding in Udmurtneft OJSC from point transfers for injection of individual wells to the target design of development systems. Examples of successful implementation of barrier water flooding are given; incremental oil production is estimated. Criteria are set that determine the effectiveness of the barrier waterflood in terms of drilling systems development with horizontal wells. Among the main criteria of success are: the early implementation, the work of producing wells in a sparing mode, control over the creation of a barrier both in area and in section. On the basis of the accumulated experience on a number of objects of development, the transformation of the design grid of wells in favor of the development system with the allocation of a number of barrier injection wells.

Barrier flooding coupled with a row system of horizontal wells is shown as an optimal technology for the development of oil rims in the marginal parts of the deposits with an extensive gas cap.


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