Modeling the development of oil fields, considering the mature fields reforming and refill by the deep hydrocarbons

UDK: 622.276.1/.4 (470.41)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-3-56-60
Key words:, Keywords: formation and re-formation of oil and gas fields, Earth degassing, crystalline basement, oil replenishment channels, North-Tatar and South-Tatar arches, abnormal and normal wells, new geological and geological and hydrodynamic model
Authors: R.Kh. Muslimov (Kazan (Volga Federal) Federal University, RF, Kazan), I.N. Plotnikova (Institute of Advanced Studies, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, RF, Kazan)

The article is devoted to the fundamental problem of petroleum geology - the hypothesis about the replenishment of reserves of oil deposits in the process of their development. The increase in recoverable reserves of oil fields due to the process of modern injection of deep oil in the sedimentary cover is an important and actual task. Also, the localization of such zones of injections is a very serious scientific and practical task. The solution of this task requires carrying out complex field-geological and geochemical studies in the monitoring mode for a long time. This is necessary to obtain quantitative parameters of the flow and injection of light hydrocarbons in the oil fields. These works will allow to sel ect the most promising areas of the reservoir to search for channels for the deep hydrocarbons degassing and recommend conducting seismic studies on new innovative technologies with the aim of mapping the channels and subsequent monitoring of the degassing processes. The newly obtained results, together with the already available information, will allow a new approach to the development of an alternative geological and hydrodynamic model, which allows determining the rate of regeneration of deposits in the development process and the volume of “replenishment” of hydrocarbons fr om the depths, as well as predicting the role of processes of re-formation of deposits in total production of oil. The process of injection of the light hydrocarbons into the oil reservoir needs to be studied and taken into account for planning the development of oil fields, for estimating residual oil reserves, for determining the terms of “life” of fields, for formation geological and hydrodynamic models of fields. The process of deep flow of fluids during mass and heat transfer is important for the formation and re-formation of hydrocarbon deposits in various geological and physical conditions. It is promising to create geological models of deposits, taking into account the processes of replenishment and the possibility of estimating the parameters of the development of such objects for a long period.


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