Application of industrial blockchain technology for the remote monitoring of well construction

UDK: 681.518:622.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-8-102-104
Key words: industrial blockchain, upstream, geophysical services, mud logging, big data, validation, authenticity
Authors: S.O. Kosenkov (SNGS, RF, Moscow), Yu.S. Chetyrin (SNGS, RF, Moscow), I.V. Kuznetsov (SNGS, RF, Moscow), V.Yu. Turchaninov (SNGS, RF, Moscow), P.V. Zuev (SNGS, RF, Moscow)

The blockchain is a state of the art technology which is directly associated with the process of mining cryptocurrencies. However, this technology can be practically applied in many areas of the national economy, including oil and gas industry. For example, the blockchain can be useful in solving problems related to the confirming the integrity of primary geological and geophysical data during remote monitoring of the well construction process by excluding the influence of human factor. This technology is referred to as the industrial blockchain and requires consistent encryption and data distribution on storage locations in peer-to-peer network.

Any modification of the primary geological and geophysical data in the blockchain system, on any of the computers/equipment in any block, will automatically detected by all participants of the blockchain network. The system of ensuring the integrity and invariability of the received and transmitted data will work as long as at least a single of the network is operated. Hacking such a system is not feasible and cost-effective because the potential attackers have to break through every block, as well as copies of the database on every computer and equipment in the network. This requires a potential attacker to have unique computing resources, which is currently not available. In practice, the reliability of blockchain platforms is confirmed by many years of experience in the bitcoin mining system based on the blockchain principles.

The implementation of the blockchain platform in the oil and gas service allowed to ensure and guarantee the reliability of primary geological and geophysical data obtained from wells in real time, to reduce the risks of unauthorized changes. The reliability of the primary data reduces the risks of erroneous management decisions, made by the processing and analysis of these primary well data.






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