Study of hydrogeological environment in heavy oil reservoirs developed by thermal method

UDK: 556.3 + 622.276.652
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-7-49-52
Key words: hydrological monitoring, heavy oil, man-made impact, ecological water well, baseline monitoring, hydrodynamic and hydrochemical environment
Authors: P.N. Kubarev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), N.A. Aslyamov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyvsk), G.I. Petrova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), I.A. Ternovskaya (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), R.R. Fatkhullin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), M.A. Badretdinov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)

The paper presents results of surveys of hydrogeological conditions of eighteen heavy oil accumulations. The obtained hydrodynamic and hydrochemical background characteristics of the water-bearing formations above and below production targets were used to understand the man-made impact on the subsurface geological environment. The objectives of the system of hydrological monitoring of the Cheremshan-Bastrykskaya zone heavy oil fields are to prevent possible adverse effects of the thermal recovery process, to control risks, and to meet the requirements of license agreement on subsoil use. The main purpose of the environmental and hydrogeological surveys is to obtain background response characteristics and to evaluate hydrodynamic and hydrochemical changes in water-bearing formations above and below the development targets within and outside the oil drainage boundary with particular emphasis on surface and subsurface fresh water sources.

Tatneft system of hydrological monitoring of subsurface water is realized through drilling of observation wells within the extent of the reservoir. Drilling of well pads and testing of water-bearing formations along the cross-section of fresh water zone allowed a conclusion about the inversion of water-bearing intervals of the Sakmarskian and Ufimian formations and made it possible to determine the most water-abundant parts of the cross sections, which can accumulate the injected heat. In terms of chemistry, the range of water types in the zones of active water exchange is very wide – from bicarbonate to chloride types. Sodium bicarbonate type of water is, mainly, characteristic of productive formations, while waters of the sandy-argillaceous Sakmarskian and Ufimian formations are, predominantly of the sulfate type. Monitoring of the concentrations of boron, bromine, ammonium, phenols, and hydrogen sulfide is a tool to determine hydrochemical changes in a productive formation, and in the overlying and underlying formations.


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