On the rationality of applying hybrid (wind-sun) installations for service the oil industry objects

UDK: 621.411.4:621.643
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-6-81-83
Key words: hybrid installation, pipelines, solar energy, wind power, rationality, efficiency
Authors: I.V. Nasyrova (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.M. Askarova (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The question of the method of power supply for the maintenance of pipelines today is very acute. This problem becomes urgent when laying pipelines in remote areas from the power supply. This work is aimed at the comparative analysis of traditional (from transmission lines) and renewable (solar, wind) methods of power supply to remote line consumers and the selection of the most efficient of them.

The traditional way of supplying electricity to consumers by means of power lines implies electricity from a high-voltage along-route line with the installation of a transformer substation in the immediate vicinity of the pipeline.

In practice, for transmission of electrical energy over long distances, this method is usually used. However, this method is far from perfect and has a number of significant drawbacks, due to large losses of electricity in the wires, and because of the occurrence of accidents from short circuits on the line and from hazardous weather conditions, such as strong wind and ice on the wires.

In the case of hybrid wind-solar installations, whose autonomy, low operating costs and unattended items are indisputable advantages, there are also disadvantages, first of all, dependence on natural conditions, therefore, in Russia only one of the presented power supplies: wind generators or photovoltaic panels, may not always be justified due to the volatility and unregulated sources of renewable energy.

The above calculations and analysis of information in the work are aimed at finding the most rational way of using alternative sources of electricity in the oil industry.


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