Geological and exploration oil-gas works in Bashkortostan: scientific views and practical results

UDK: 553.98(470.57)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-6-32-37
Key words: oil-gas field, Paleozoic cover, oil-gas-bearing zone, West European Platform margin, anticline, theoretical view, plastic series
Authors: E.V. Lozin BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa

The article is devoted to development of science and practice for geological prospecting-exploration works in Bashkortostan. Suitably the first exploratory wells have been projected in Pre-Urals foreland depression. Predominance scientific opinions were established on connection between genesis platform structures and block-clod tectonic of crystalline foundation. The processes of tectonic deformations have been present itself are equal as platform and as fold basins. On platforms this deformations are smaller than in fold basins, consequently there forms more flattening structures. In Bashkortostan priority at our country there were the scientific basis exploration platform oil fields.

According to the mechanics of rocks in Bashkir Paleozoic geological section there are two plastic thick series: Tymanian (Kennovian) (clay and claystone) and Kungur (anhydrite and salt). These two plastic series have different stress sensitivity on local zones in geological section in comparison with rigid rocks. And ones carrying out compensation function during tectonic evolution all Paleozoic cover. Denomination has expressions in discording structural plans of upper and lower horizons.

Тhе lax on latitude crystalline foundations intensify, step by step, load from meridian Tuimazinskoye field to south-west towards Pre-Urals depression at 1,6 to 18-20 km and clear away by depth fractures N-V, sub-lax and S-W (sub-Urals) extend. The S-W fractures are presents mostly young ones and responsible for form zones oil-gas-bearing which check by “small grabens”. Extending to Paleozoic cover it acted the fluid conductor function at first and at the follow – role fluid isolation. Discovery by Bashkir geologists the new oil-gas-bearing zones check “small grabens” had helped to radical revise opinions about geological framework of NW Western European Platform’s margin. Within their zones there had opened mostly of summary 35 oil-gas-bearing zones of Bashkortostan. Other oil-gas-bearing zones represent the zones of regional anticlines; structural upheavals; border and axial zones Kama-Kinel depressions; reefs and biogerms; atectonic deposits and other.

Geological prospecting-exploration works in Bashkortostan accompany with development of theoretical views and permanent perfection of methods exploration oil-gas deposits. In result there are opening more 210 oil and gas deposits of tuimaza, arlan, ishimbay, kinzebulatovo, sergeevsky and other types. There were large feedstock raw basic of hydrocarbons.


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