Localization as an effective import-replacement approach

UDK: 338.23:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-2-6-10
Key words: oil and gas machine building, import-replacement, localization, perforation system
Authors: O.V. Zhdaneev (Schlumberger, RF, Tyumen)

The analysis of import-replacement practices for the oil and gas products manufacturing in Russian Federation is presented in the paper. The challenges to efficiently deploy the import-replacement policy in the country are identified and analyzed. Based on the retrospective analysis of import-replacement in Latin America, South-East Asia, and ongoing programs in China and India it is possible to make a conclusion about the importance of long term planning and focus on export to ensure success in import-replacement. The importance to establish product development capabilities and competency development programs for Russian professionals and deployment of standardization programs is underlined. It should be noted that the market size is a critical success factor for the localization projects. There is an opportunity to consolidate the needs of oil and gas exporters to unite the efforts for the innovative product development and fundamental studies for the oil and gas industry. It has been shown in the paper that localization is an efficient approach for the technology transfer, the creation of high value added workplaces, suppliers development, advanced project management practices and competency development. A few successful examples from Schlumberger perforation systems manufacturing is used to present novel technology adaptation to make innovative products available on the Russian market. The deployed LEAN practices have become the key for the manufacturing processes optimization.


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