Modern problems of legal regulation of hydrocarbon extraction in Arctic and functioning of the Northern Sea Route

UDK: 622.276.1/.4.04
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-8-76-79
Key words: energy law, energy law order, legal regulation of Arctic, legal regulation of hydrocarbon extraction, legal framework of nuclear icebreakers, ice channeling, the Northern Sea Route, the Polar Code, international legal unification
Authors: V.V. Romanova (Kutafin Moscow State Law University, RF, Moscow)

The article present a study of the specifics of legal regulation of nuclear icebreakers, as design, construction, operation, ownership, property objects participating in ice channeling of the Northern Sea Route, taking into account the unification currently performed. General requirements that imposed by certain regulations, the procedures applicable to nuclear vessels are also enshrined in such international treaties as: International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea of 1974 (SOLAS-74); Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 1963; Convention on Early Notification of Nuclear Accidents of 1986; Convention on Assistance in the Case of Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency of 1986. General rules on nuclear vessels are specified in Chapter VIII of the SOLAS-74. At the national level, the specifics of legal regulation of nuclear icebreakers are enshrined, among other things, in the Commercial Maritime Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the Use of Nuclear Energy”, and in subordinate legislation.

Development of legal regulation of the nuclear icebreaker fleet is in progress both at the national and international levels. Adoption of the Polar Code, the introduction of amendments to the SOLAS-74, point to the fact that even with the current struggle for resources and transportation lines, such problems as energy security, safety of navigation, environmental protection are shared by many states and the solution of these problems in terms of international law secures both national interests and the interests of the world community in general.


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