Reliability analysis of electrotechnical complex of oilfield facilities with time redundancy

UDK: 621.311:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-5-68-71
Key words: reliability, readiness index, time redundancy, power supply system, booster pump station, central production facility
Authors: V.V. Sushkov (Nizhnevartovsk State University, RF, Nizhnevartovsk), M.K. Veliev (Giprotyumenneftegas PJSC, HMS Group, RF, Tyumen), T.D. Gladkih (Niznevartovsk Branch of Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Nizhnevartovsk), A.L. Portnyagin (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen)

The article presents the reliability analysis of power supply system of oilfield consumers with and without time redundancy, which is provided by availability of raw materials or free space in crude storage.

Using Markoff process theory we considered reliability of two-phase system Booster Pump Station (BPS) – Central Production Facility (CPF) during power outages. In BPS – CPS system time redundancy is insured by CPF crude storage; products (raw materials) are received from BPS line. Functioning process of this system is performed by state and transition graph, which takes into account all possible states of time reserve: tank is empty, tank is full, and tank is filled up to intermediate innage level. If tank is empty and power supply system of all BPS breaks down, whole system failure and CPF forced stop will occur. If tank is full and CPF power supply system breaks down, forced stop of all BPS will take place.

System of differential equations for 10 probable conditions was composed and solved using Maple 14 software package. Dependence of readiness coefficient of considered system on time reserve capacity and operating time was received.

We carried out similar reliability analysis of BPS electric complex (one-phase system). Its availability factor is 0.9922 (time reserve is 1.5 h) or nonproductive time is 68 h.

Analysis showed surplus values of reliability index of considered systems that means cost overrun. Thus there is a necessity of revision of existing standards and practice of planning of oil extraction objects, transport and processing.



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