Improvement of safety management system in oil and gas companies based on the assessment of professional competence of employees

UDK: 502.36:622.276
Key words: professionally important qualities, operational staff, industrial safety
Authors: E.V. Glebova, A.T. Volokhina (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), RF, Moscow

The HSE system at the enterprises of oil and gas branch operating hazardous production facilities is organized as a complex of related organizational and technical measures directed to the prevention of accidents and ensuring readiness of divisions for localization and liquidation of accidents consequences. One of such actions is compulsory training and an examination of workers in the field of the industrial safety, and also periodic training in actions in emergency.

The results of professional competencies assessment obtained in the course of mandatory testing as well as in conducting emergency response training should be taken into account in the implementation of production control over observance of industrial safety requirements.

As it has been shown in several studies the formation of professional competencies in the field of industrial safety is significantly affected by the level of development of employees’ professionally important qualities.

Currently the training requirements of employees carrying out the operation and maintenance of hazardous production facilities of oil and gas industry are established by law, the requirements for the assessment and development of professionally important qualities are not determined.

For increase in effectiveness of HSE system the automated complexes of assessment of professionally important qualities of main professions workers and also operation personnel, defining readiness for actions in emergency and readiness for hazardous work were developed and introduced. Use of the developed software products will allow to reduce, on the one hand, probability of emergence due to increase in effectiveness of the procedure of compulsory training and examination of industrial safety requirements of workers, and on the other hand, to reduce the extent of damage of accidents due to increase in readiness of operation personnel for actions for their localization.


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