Account of the genesis of non-structural traps in oilfields development with hard-to-recover reserves

Authors: R.Z. Mukhametshin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)

Key words: non-structural traps, erosion-accumulative processes, paleochannel, sandstones, Early Carboniferous.

The problems of hydrocarbon raw stock resource base build-up in the old oil-producing regions are solved largely due to oil deposits in non-structural traps. A special role in reducing the oil production decline rate and efficient development of new fields, including ones with hard-to-recover oil reserves, is belonged to traps , the formation of which is due to erosion-accumulative processes. An important problem at exploration works carrying out in the areas of development of sleeve-like sand bodies is on-time detection leading to their formation processes, which indication is possible by a number of features, including morphological ones. High capacitive - filtration properties of the Early Carboniferous thickness, filling paleochannels, caused increased productivity of wells intersected them, and features of its structure caused a natural water drive reservoirs. This causes change of the development system and selection wells operation technology fitted the features of production facilities adequately.
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