Generation potential of organic matter Bazhenov Formation rocks in the south-east of West Siberia (Tomsk region)

Authors: I.V. Goncharov, V.V. Samoilenko, N.V. Oblasov, S.V. Fadeeva, E.S. Bakhtina (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk)

Key words: Bazhenov Formation, organic matter, geochemical studies, сatagenesis, the initial generative potential, Western Siberia.

The authors investigated the regional patterns of change in generation potential of the organic matter of the Bazhenov Formation rocks south-east of Western Siberia using modern geochemical methods: pyrolysis Rock-Eval, GC-MS of extracts. The article presents the estimation of the initial generation potential and the regularities of change of the depositional environment of organic matter of the Bazhenov Formation.

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