Development physic-chemical models and methods of the forecasting of the condition of the sorts-collector

Authors: D.A. Berezovskiy (Kanevskoye Gas Production Department of Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar, RF, Krasnodar-city), A.V. Lavrentiev, O.V. Savenok, D.G. Antoniadi, A.T. Koshelev (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Krasnodar)

Key words: compositional model of the sandstone, physic-chemical model of the sandstone, factor to permeability of the sort, probability of the coming the complications, nature of the condition of the sort.

The article presents physic-chemical model of the sandstone. In accordance with this model filtration interaction in sandstone runs in two stages: on the first stage exists the liberation an pore channel, their activation; on the second stage occurs wash-out ligaments (the clayey cement) from nodes of the spatial skeleton of the sort that leads to destruction of the sandstone. It is shown that at forecasting of the condition of the sorts necessary interaction miscellaneous factor: compactions of the sort favours its stable deformation-spatial condition; physic-chemical interactions on microstructure level is destabilizer.

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