Environmental issues of design documentation re-use for subsequent wells construction

Authors: Yu.G. Bezrodny, V.V. Novikova (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd)

Key words: well construction design; state expert examination of design documentation; environmental protection; safety rules in oil and gas industry; repeated application of design documentation; natural resource management; Industry-Specific Construction Standard (ISCS) 39-86.

Industry-specific construction standards, developed in 1986, and new safety rules in oil and gas industry (2013) fail to provide development and successful approval of design documentation for well construction by the state expert examination in compliance with the updated environmental legislation. The article gives the examples of environmental problems in the course of well construction and repeated application of project design documentation for subsequent wells construction. Recommendations to develop the Amendments for the new rules are given.
1. Appendix to the Order of the State Committee for Ecology on 16.05.2000
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(The provision on impact assessment the planned economic and other activities
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3. Federal Law no. 174-FZ on 23.11.1995 “Ob ekologicheskoy ekspertize”
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5. Bezrodnyy Yu.G., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na
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6. Patent no. 2144605 RF, MPK7 E21V 21/01, Method for storing drilling waste in construction of well on specially protected natural territory, Inventors: Bezrodnyy
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7. Appendix to the Order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological
and Nuclear Supervision no. 101 on 12.03.2013 “Pravila bezopasnosti v
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