Development of process liquid selection method for Orenburg oil and gas field conditions during killing wells process

Authors: А.М. Kunakovа, R.R.Gumerov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), E.V. Zagrebelnyi, V.A. Sukovatyj (Gazpromneft Orenburg CJSC, RF, Orenburg), M.K. Rogachev, D.V. Mardashov (National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: well killing, process fluids, blocking compounds, filtration.

The paper presents the modern selection method of blocking composition which is used during killing of oil and gas wells. This method of selection based on laboratory physical and chemical filtration studies with modeling of gas breakthrough process from bottomhole formation zone. The experiments were carried out in temperature and pressure conditions that are close to the natural reservoir. Core samples from the eastern section of the Orenburg gas field were used.
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