The use of tracers for reservoir characterization on the LUKOIL’s oilfields

Authors: L.A. Anisimov, I.V. Vorontsova, V.S. Levchenko (Branch of OOO «LUKOIL-Engineering» «VolgogradNIPImorneft» in Volgograd)

The use of tracers in the reservoir studies shows that this is the best method to evaluate the interwell space of reservoir. The following parameters are used for interwell space evaluation: tracer velocity in a reservoir; tracer concentration as the consequences of tracer dissolution in formation fluid flow; frequency of the tracer presence in samples. The use of tracer survey method can evaluate the vertical fluid flow barriers, reservoir continuity in every block, fluid-flow properties, and understanding of the reservoir architecture in the interwell space. The main result of tracer method is the ability to detect the ultra high permeability zones that cannot be found by other methods of reservoir analysis.

Key words: tracer, reservoir, water injection, filtration, phase permeability

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