Investigation of the factors that affect development of oil deposits Talin area of Krasnoleninskoye field

Authors: Lazeev А.N., Gnilitskiy R.А. (TNNC LLC), Nikolaev М.N., Leskin F.Y., Ermilov Е.V. (ТNК-Nyagan OJSC), Samolovov D.А., Plitkina Y.А., Brilliant L.S. (TING CJSC)

Key words: well testing, injection well fracturing, fracture half-length, skin-factor, free gas separation, gas saturation, oil productivity index, operating regime, progressive increase of water cut, low oil recovery.

The present work is concerned with investigation of injection well fracturing and decrease of oil well’s productivity on the basis of well testing in Talin’s square of Krasnoleninskoe oil field.

Separation of free gas in bottomhole formation zone, concerned with bottomhole pressure decrease below saturation pressure, is the main cause of decrease of oil well’s productivity and appearance of high amount of skin-factor. Even slightl free gas appearance (gas saturation is about 5-8 percent) causes three times decrease of oil phase permeability.


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