Picking of sweetspots in Tagul field based on analyzing productive layers sedimentary environments by a suite of seismic and geologic methods, with account for geologic information quality

Authors: D.V.Romanov, V.А.Grinchenko, О.М.Grechneva, Е.V.Коsourova (TNNC LLC)
Study case of Tagul field gives grounds for the recognition of zones based on sedimentological criteria of input data quality, fluid saturation character, reservoirs compartmentalization, fluid contacts level. Need for differentiated approach to certain parts of the field characterized by complex geologic architecture, when picking new well locations, planning a suite of additional appraisal programs for the field, selecting optimal field development methods, and defining stages of bringing the field into development is demonstrated. Three zones are picked in Tagul field. Their productive potential is characterized. 

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