Technological strategy for implementing the concept of sustainable development of a vertically integrated oil company

UDK: 622.276+622.279.012
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-6-13-17
Key words: sustainable development, technological strategy, strategic management, integration, technological management
Authors: A.F. Andreev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.A. Sinelnikov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), G.N. Buliskeriya (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.I. Petrushkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), O.A. Sergeeva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The need for more complete coordination of strategic and technological goals in the short and long term in the formation of strategic plans for sustainable development of vertically integrated oil companies has required the development of the concept of technological strategy. Scenario-based forecasting of issues related to the technological development of oil production shows that the new technological strategy should be based on the principles of introducing world-class technologies. A key area of the technological strategy should be a set of fundamentally new breakthrough technologies that are currently being tested in world oil and gas practice. The technological strategy should be perceived as a tool participating in the asset management of the company, making a significant contribution to the creation of its value, and as an integral part of the sustainable development strategy embodying the main technical, technological and organizational and managerial innovations. Economic goals related to the acquisition, operation and replacement of technology should be set taking into account the specifics of the technological strategy in each business segment of the company. Expanding the capabilities of strategic analysis by specifying the technological factor and incorporating the technological strategy into consideration allows management to receive answers to fundamental questions related to the implementation of the strategic goals of the company. Among them: whether the company, within the framework of the chosen technological strategy, can count on achieving a competitive advantage; to what extent the implementation of this technological strategy can ensure the strategic security and economic independence of the company in the long term; whether the scale and flexibility of the chosen technological strategy contribute to the solution of the strategic tasks of sustainable development.

The article discusses the problem of establishing a dynamic correspondence between strategic, innovative and technological activities in the formation of strategic plans in the context of the implementation of the company's sustainable development strategy. Among the main issues considered is the systematization of key factors for the sustainable development of the company, the concept of the company's technological strategy and the innovative aspect of its implementation.


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