New perspectives of the Kikinda oil and gas field (Serbia)

UDK: 622.276.1/.4(4-15)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-12-60-62
Key words: Panonian Basin, oil and gas field, sedimentological analysis, Pontian deposits, petrophysics, thin-bedded reservoir, “lake” turbidites, triaxial induction logging, nuclear-magnetic resonance, wellbore imagers
Authors: E.A. Zhukovskaya (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), E.S. Miley (NTC NIS-Naftagas LLC, Serbia, Novi Sad), E.F. Tsukanova (NTC NIS-Naftagas LLC, Serbia, Novi Sad), K.A. Ezhov (NTC NIS-Naftagas LLC, Serbia, Novi Sad), Ana Gogich (NTC NIS-Naftagas LLC, Serbia, Novi Sad)

Serbian oilfield Kikinda on its last development stage, has got the new impulse for the lower object based on the results of the new well drilled. This well contain a large set of data, e.g. core analysis, special well logging complex etc. According to the core, the origin of the studied sediments has been established as a “lake” turbidities with all the textural characteristics of classic turbidities. Oilfield is located in Pannonian basin which was isolated local system, with small depths during the time of reservoir formation. Hypsometric position and seditmentation rate are main difference between classic turbidities and studied turbidities. The thin-bedded reservoir, in the presence of layers of poorly lithified sandstones, required the development of a special interpretation method and the presence of special logging, which was suggested by the authors as one of the ways to solve this important problem. Author's interpretative algorithm was formalized in specialized software, and allows on-the-fly execution of decisions for the new wells during the operational work. After reinterpretation of the majority of the wells and reserves estimation, based on the new geological model and taking into account the results of sedimentological analysis, the new drilling plan was developed and now it is on a stage of active implementation.


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