Peculiarities of geological structures, and oil and gas efficiency in Pre-Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia and the basement of Vietnam

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-10-16-19
Key words: hydrocarbons, trace elements, naphthydes, organic matter, crystalline basement, generation processes
Authors: S.A. Punanova (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of RAS, RF, Moscow), V.L. Shuster (Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of RAS, RF, Moscow), L.T. Ngo (Institute of Geophysics, Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technologies, The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Hanoi)

The paper is devoted to the questions of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of deep-buried pre-Jurassic deposits and the foundation of the central regions of Western Siberia and the granitoid rocks of the Pre-Cenozoic crystalline basement of the Vietnam shelf. A possible mechanism for the formation of an oil field in the basement is proposed, and a model of the reservoir structure is developed. Geochemical features of subterranean oil sedimentary strata covering the protrusions of the crystalline basement of the West Siberian oil and gas basin (NSA) are considered. The study of hydrocarbon (HC) and trace elements (TE) naphthyde composition made it possible to conclude about two sources of oil generation: syngenetic, associated with the Paleozoic OM, and epigenetic, generated Jurassic and Triassic OM. The possible depths of the processes of HC generation are specified. A differentiated distribution of TE, in particular, vanadium and vanadylporphyrins in naphthides of this region of Western Siberia, was noted. A zone of minimum concentrations in the bitumen formations of the Bazhenov deposits of vanadium and metal porphyrins is singled out, which is probably due to the different warmth of the interior and the migration of bituminoids fr om the lower horizons to the upper horizons. This zone practically coincides with the prospective oil-bearing zone of the pre-Jurassic sediments based on the results of mathematical modeling carried out by us earlier and with the existing oil content of the Khanty-Mansi and Nyurol regions. The depths of probable detection of hydrocarbon accumulations in the regions of fluid-conducting faults in the foundation, for example, Shaimsky, wh ere the increase in catagenesis with depth occurs most intensively, amount up to 3200 m for oil and up to 4000 m for gas condensates. To increase the probability of revealing medium and large reserves of oil and gas in the formations of the basement of Western Siberia, by analogy with Vietnam, the choice of the location and depth of the project well becomes extremely important. Considering the extremely uneven structure of the strata and the distribution of the unconsolidated fissured-cavernous rocks with good filtration-capacitive properties  (in it, it is also necessary to conduct seismic operations using advanced technology, using scattered waves, to map the zones of increased fracturing even at the pre-drilling stage.


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