The technique of revealing the response during well interference test in the conditions of a high noise level of pressure and the presence of pressure trends

UDK: 622.
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-9-98-101
Key words: research of zones of high-output wells operations, interference test, the reacting (listening) well, a method for filtrational waves of pressure, an algorithm of processing of a signal, telemetric system
Authors: D.N. Maykov (INNC CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), R.S. Vasilyev (INNC CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), D.M. Vasilyev (INNC CJSC, RF, Izhevsk)

Now there is a problem of a research of zones of work of high-output wells, obtaining parameters of layer and the analysis of interference. Filtration parameters of layer are defined by means of standard well test, however the radius of researches allows to estimate only a near-well zone. Parameters of interference test space are necessary for creation of correct geological and hydrodynamic model. At traditional well interference test the stop of the reacting (listening) wells is necessary for reducing noise pollution of the measured bottomhole pressure that leads to considerable losses of oil production. Therefore the special relevance is acquired by a problem of development of the new technique of interference test which isn't demanding a stop of work of wells including listening.

Thus, the purpose of research is creation of the new technique without the need for reacting wells stopping during interference tests based on application of filtration waves of pressure. And the object of research is algorithms of signal processing during interference tests by method of filtration waves of pressure. Under interference tests by method of filtration waves of pressure detection and filtration of data in the conditions of a high noise level of pressure are required. Numerical modeling of signal (pressure) distribution between wells (interference tests) is carried out on the basis of the solution of the equations of hydraulics and filtration by methods of a diagonal pro-race. Methods of mathematical suppression of noise are used when processing a signal.

The numerical testing of the offered algorithm of signal processing during interference tests by method of filtration waves of pressure confirms it correctness. It is shown that use of the offered algorithm allows to find out indignation on the listening wells in the conditions of a high noise level and influence of wells of an environment that considerably expands scope of interference test with method of filtration waves of pressure. The technique has been verified on several numerical models, various on a configuration and the set filtration parameters.


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