Research and development of waterproofing composition based on urea-formaldehyde resin

UDK: 622.276.7:622.245.43
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-9-112-114
Key words: water shut off, downhole zone, water cut, polymeric material, laboratory studies
Authors: T.K. Apasov, S.I. Grachev, G.T. Apasov, S.A. Leontiev (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen)

The paper is devoted to the serious problem of water shut off in well production. One of the ways to solve the problem is to conduct the waterproofing works using cement slurries based on synthetic resins, for example, formulations based on urea-formaldehyde resin (UF), which have a number of advantages in properties compared to traditional cement slurries. They are widely used in many areas of production, including in the oil and gas industry, because of such qualities as: high adhesiveness and durability; simplicity of preparation; low toxic properties; low cost; rich raw material base. The paper presents laboratory studies on the development and implementation of the quick-setting cement slurry (QSCS) based on UF for reservoir temperatures from 20 to 100 ° C with adjustable time of thickening and setting – from 15 min to 8 h. The rheological properties were studied; the selection of formulation of the QSCS composition and hardener was made. Studies were carried out on the compatibility of the QSCS with the alkaline polymer clay-silica system (APCSS), which is used for waterproofing works as a block screen. Practical implementation of the QSCS in conjunction with the APCSS for the liquidation of water inflows was carried out at well No.36 of the South-Okhteurskoe deposit, water cut was reduced from 98 to 85%, an increase in oil production of 6 tons per day was obtained. On the date of the analysis the well worked with the effect for more than two years, the accumulated production amounted to 3,500 tons of oil. The polymeric backfill composition of the QSCS and the technology with polymer compositions ensure a high efficiency of gas and water shut off in wells with reservoir temperatures of 20 to 120 degrees.


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