The concept of facial modelling of sedimentary basins

UDK: 551.263.036
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-8-52-57
Key words: geological forecasting, facies, facial modeling, facial unconformity, facial series
Authors: M.V. Lebedev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

According to author’s view, facial modelling is a part of new investigation’s branch – geological forecasting of sedimentary basin’s lithological structure based on seismic and geological data. Previous author’s articles deals with the conceptual model of sedimentary basin constructed for the solution of this problem, and with results of it’s application for vendian terrigenous basin of Siberian Platform. It is very necessary to approbate this model for sedimentary basins of various genetic types. Therefore the main goal of this articles is to attract attention to this issue. It presents systematic analyses of facial modeling as a scientific discipline.

The object of facial modeling is sedimentary basins, the subject - their models as systems of lithological bodies that are in regular spatial relations. The purpose of facial modeling is to construct a conceptual lithological model of the sedimentary basin as an a priori basis for seismic data interpretation. Tasks of the facial modeling are the identification and the forecasting of lithological bodies. The general method of facial modeling is interpolation and extrapolation of lithological functions on the basis of natural lateral sequence of facies and vertical sequences of lithotypes at the well points. The main tool of facial modeling is a conceptual model of the sedimentary basin which describes it as a vertical sequence of facial series bounded by facial unconformities.

By using a simple model example, the facies modeling algorithm was demonstrated. The concept of “facial-conforming sequence of strata” is introduced, which is an explication of the idea of genetically related strata. The concept of "facial unconformity" is introduced, which is an explication of the of N.B. Vassoevich’s idea about mutational boundaries. A classification of facial unconformities is proposed. The facial unconformities of the first kind are the isochronous boundary, which originates in the results of changes of the sedimentary basin’s type. The facial unconformities of the second kind are the isochronous boundary, which originates mainly in the results of transgressions and regressions. The concept of "facial series" is proposed. Facial series is a geological body bounded by facial unconformities. The facial series is a regularly organized lateral sequence of facies, and it is the common object of facial modeling.


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