Oils and combustible shales as a raw for potentially trace elements producing

UDK: 553.98.061.17
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-4-58-62
Key words: classification, trace elements, shales, oils, clarks, ashes, coke
Authors: M.Ya. Shpirt (Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of RAS, RF, Moscow), S.A. Punanova (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow)

Using data containing in the literature published in Russian and other countries there are presented trace elements (TE) with medium and increased contents in oils, combustible and black shales along with their medium contents in coals. Enrichment degrees with TE of these caustobiolytes are calculated. It is proposed in the literature to name TE typomorphic, if its concentration in a caustobiolyte is statistically higher than its clark in shales or sediments. With account of possible analytical mistakes TE may be called typomorphic if their medium concentration (on ash basis) are higher than those in shales or sediments in 1,4 times. Calculations of the authors have shown that these caustobiolytes may have the same typomorphic TE, but some TE are typomorphic only for one type of caustobiolytes for example for oils (on their ash basis) – Co, As, Zn, Cs, Ag, Ni, Au, V, Se, Mo, Hg, Cu and (V, Ni, Co, Cu, Ga, probably Cr, Rb) correspondingly. The knowledges of typomorphic elements are the important factor for understanding the geochemistry of oils, combustible or black shales and coals especially on the consistency of TE accumulation in them. Oils have maximal number of typomorphic elements (Co, As, Zn, Cs, Ag, Ni, Au, V, Se, Mo, Hg, Cu).

Degrees of enrichment values for one type of caustobiolytes are differed by many times in different deposits and even in different layers or its sections of one deposit. Caustobiolytes having TE enrichment values in ≥ 10 times more than clarks are named metalliferous on corresponding TE. In predominant cases, economically valuable process of TE producing for example from oils has to be realized from by-products of their traditional processing of their organic substances. According to experimental data, TE concentrations in these by-products may be higher or compatible with those in traditional raw used industrially for their producing.

The classification system is worked out based on parameters included initial TE concentrations and their distributions while oils, combustible or black shales processing. Using the proposed letter-number or number codes for TE of oils and combustible or black shales one can select method of processing to produce by-products as potentially valuable TE concentrates for their industrial processing on their saleable products.


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