Innovative solutions for the oil and gas projects of hydrocarbon production at Pyakyakhinskoye field of LUKOIL PJSC (putting on line in 2016)

UDK: УДК 622.276.1/.4
Key words: development system, dual complition, multi-stage fracturing, multilateral well
Authors: S.A. Solyanov , M.G. Mavletdinov, A.V. Zaytsev, D.V. Aptulin (KogalymNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Tyumen)

Pyakyakhinskoye oil-gas-condensate field is one of the largest hydrocarbon reserves in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The field is located in the area distant from infrastructure. Road network is presented only by winter roads.

Development of the field will be carried out on the basis of the current project document on the inverted seven-spot systemizing horizontal wells. Since most production facilities of the field are combined in terms of occurrence, it is recommended for the BU15 and BU152 reservoirs production to use the equipment for dual completion with application of double clusters on the fifth level of complexity (TAML classification). In order to test different reservoir management programs for the given geological and physical conditions, the sites of experimental industrial activities at facilities BU151+BU152 and PK18+ PK20 have been allocated. Gas and condensate assets are planned to develop with systems of horizontal and multilateral wells.

Decisions to launch the development of facilities BU151, BU152 and PK18 are adjusted with account for the plan to build an oil pipeline The Subarctic - Purpe as well as a central gathering station and source pump station, which will be located on the territory of Pyakyakhinskoye field. Completion of construction is planned in 2016. Drilling is carried out with priority rates. The field is planned to be put into commercial operation in the second half of 2016.
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8. URL:

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