Management of innovations: how to effectively use the information

Authors: V.D. Milovidov (MGIMO University, RF, Moscow)
Key words: innovation, relative position, innovation asymmetry, terms of perception, terms of effect, exponentially scalable events.
The article discusses the role of information in the innovation process. Innovations are based on information, but also generate a flood of new information signals, which in the long term ensure the spread of innovation in society, scaling the results. In this article the author has tried to show that the institutions and mechanisms of management of innovation processes and projects are born as a result of the complex and often unconscious desire of man to reveal just such information that will give him food for thought, discovery and progress. The author sets the task to formulate rules to identify necessary for the implementation of innovative projects information signals, analysis and use in future activities. The solution to this problem is based on a clear systematization of information signals, selective working with them, as well as the formation of a proactive attitude towards information coming to man from his environment. Mastering these skills can detect exponentially scalable events that could lead to a significant and rapidly spreading in society results. Such events usually significantly stand out background information and their identification requires a hierarchical system of organization of the innovation process.
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