Characteristics and perspectives of Yaregskoye oil-titan deposit development

Authors: I.E. Dolgiy (National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: deposits, high viscous oil, titan ore, extraction technology, economical efficient

Exploitation of high viscous oil deposits requires specific technical and economical solution of oil extraction. Based on the analysis of current practice of high viscous oil extraction in Yaregskoye oil-titan deposit, the author suggested a system of preparation and exploitation of oil deposit by thermo-mining method. Parameters of suggested system and sequence of its realization was justified. The method of coupled extraction of oil and titan from the same layer, which is suggested in this work, let to achieve the designed production level of high viscous oils in shorter term, to decrease the duration of oil extraction from the current part of the layer and to pass to extraction of titan-oil ore in shorter time. The coupled method of high viscous oil extraction and titan ore lets to achieve the high level of oil-titan site preparation for further extraction. The method of oil extraction lets to achieve the ratio of oil-titan extraction coefficient to a number of 90 %.
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