Tax maneuver in Russian oil production industry

Authors: V.V. Ponkratov (Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow)

Key words: taxation of oil production, mining tax, customs duty, tax maneuver.

In this article options of tax maneuver in oil industry and consequences of their realization for the Russian economy are analyzed. The main option of tax maneuver is to increase base rate of mineral extraction tax and simultaneously to decrease export customs duty rates on crude and light oil products. Over next years, countries of the Customs Union shell develop a common policy in fuel and energy complex and harmonize systems of export customs duty on oil and products of its processing. The author formulated suggestions how to improve taxation of oil extraction in Russia. For example, it was suggested to remove connection between mineral extraction tax and world oil prices and to transfer the main fiscal effect to the mechanism of the export customs duty. It will allow to avoid price increase for fuel and production of the petrochemical industry in domestic market and to ensure adequate flow of funds to the budget.

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